This is Comrade...I met him at the park today The Legendary "Save Domino" sign was taken down to bring you an Important Message You know when Teet and I meet up we can't resist to take a ton of photos together
This show was extremely well done and super fun to check out. I highly recommend it. 7th ave. Btwn W.4th and Bleeker The Village Pet Store...And Charcoal Grill A devastated tweety
the sun coming up over Brooklyn and the NYCHA (aka the projects) I wish this photo showed that NORM piece better This pooch walks you, you don't walk her out on a pier on the West Side
This is my buddy Adam...He is real cool. He makes beautiful music. This is him showing me some tunes he made up earlier that morning I brought the pooch over...It's real weird to see a furry animal laying on fur. right?