Four dudes on the floor and look at all that extra space

Welcome- Pat got the party started

La Pasadita, 3 shops in a row, must be bangin' guess what? It was

How is it that New York can everything but good mexican food? Needless to say we had mexican food everyday

Chicago Board Up Service

I miss hand painted original signs

One very small part of a giant apt. Thanks Larry for the hospitality

Looking like Max Fish

The Warehouse- I could live here just to skate this

My new favorite spot

let's go explore the abandoned scary building...umm no thanks

Six floors of horror film

Look how much fun Frank and Pat are having....

...What the hell happend??

Met up with Frank for a early, freezing bike ride

Lake Michigan

Thanks Frank

Later I would find out that Chris is out of his mind

Fret not, he got the clip

This area of Chicago is called Fulton Market. It is a bit cutty and has some raw vibe to it, little high end boutiques seem to be popping up around there, I fear it's rawness may be coming to an end, it will probably soon be called FulMa, or something equally aweful. god save us all

This could possibly be pat's idea of hell. Three people taking his photo at once

Jumping on
that bandwagon?

Camo High Life?? Hell yes! What in the world is James doing back there?

The bar is as good as place as any to roll up

Jesse Neuhaus' party

Goodbye Chicago

I can safely say that next to New York, Chicago may now be my second favorite city. Fully due to all the great friends I made out there. The city and people have real heart. Thank you UPRISE Crew, and Pat and Geeze for letting me in on this little adventure!
whoa! dude.
Chicago is a great city, and La Pasadita is not too bad! Though you might have to come to California if you are serious about this Mexican food business.
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