Carl met us at the airport. Already more than I do for guests, such a good dude.

Carl trying to pretend we're in NYC and you can push down the street, not so easy in London

Met up at Monmouth Coffee in Covent Gardens. Good place

In a (very) rare moment the sun sheds some light on London

London Bridge Skatepark

We are not in a band, we just happen to wear nearly the exact same thing

This is Big Man. He's big. 6 foot 7 to be exact. He works in a clinic to help people stop smoking, and still smokes, pretty epic.
First pub, The Angel. I already miss pubs

Then things got rowdy and we started chugging pints. Check out how happy James is.

Carl was always up before everyone with toast in and coffee on. Carl took such good care of us

more walking than skating

Jeb conquered that chicken, but what would you expect from a guy with a beard like that?

View from the Tate Modern

That one famous clock

This is gnarly! James ollied the UK Gonz gap!

You are NOT getting into the Queen's garden!

Hands down the most boring photo from the trip. Buckingham Palace. who cares?

Sex Kiosk

This is what the sky always looked like

Hot girls inside equals this

These guys were super sketchy. At one point they demanded we delete all photos taken with them in them. Food was good though

Meanwhile Gardens, Jeb with a dipped back smith

Carl has so much style

back disaster deep end

Pubs and pints
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